NUMBER 03/ June 2018
NUMERO 03/ giugno 2018
In questo numero:
Prophetism and religious dissidence in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century
In the article, the author proposes to study the link between Prophetism and religious dissidence using as examples the “prophets of Zwickau”, the prophetesses of the Swiss Brethren and the leading theoreticians of religious tolerance. The cases illustrated clearly show that in the Protestant world of the 16th century, Prophetism constituted an area in which Nonconformists gave expression to and demanded religious freedom. For them, engaging in and defending prophecy was an important way to legitimise ecclesiological and eschatological visions different from those of the institutional Churches and, more generally, to endorse the right to an independent religious quest against renascent dogmatism and authoritarianism. The prophecies were thus made in highly polemical opposition to the Churches. Setting the achievement of the true ecclesia Dei in the future implied depreciation of the existing Churches; the claim that the prophetic word was paramount was translated into a rejection of all expressions of the Churches’ monopolistic power. It was by virtue of these characteristics that prophecy was considered a manifestation of religious dissent and viewed as a threat to the power of the Churches; hence to be subjected to their control or stifled by repression. This is how libertas prophetandi came to be one of the fronts on which the fight for religious freedom was played out. It saw the opposition between the radical and ministerial reformers in the attempt to maintain a plurality of independent paths with a view to renewing Christian society. The paths of the two camps crossed significantly when the modern theory of tolerance appeared on the scene. When the condemnation of the Protestant Churches rained down on sub specie prophetiae dissent, the language of prophecy became a language consciously critical of dogmatism and which encouraged freedom of thought.
Keywords: Prophecy, Religious Dissidence, Protestant Reformation, Anabaptism, Toleration.
Le edizioni in italiano del Book of Common Prayer della Chiesa Episcopale degli Stati Uniti díAmerica
Spazi e percorsi di conversione al Cattolicesimo nelle Valli valdesi (1800-1848)
By comparing the various sources produced in Catholic and Protestant circles, the article examines the history of the Hospice for Catechumens in Pinerolo and the Waldensian conversions to Catholicism in the first half of the 19th century. Unlike the continually growing interest of historians in what happened in the 18th century, very little thorough analysis has been devoted to reconstructing the history of this institution in Pinerolo after it was closed down in the French period. The author attempts to throw new light on it by comparing the affairs of the Hospice – as well as the other methods of conversion used by the bishops of Pinerolo to bring the Waldenses back to the “true faith” – with the individual paths of those who happened to come across the institution and chose, more or less freely, to convert to another religion. What emerge from the study most of all are the contradictions in and failures of Catholic strategies faced with the great variety of motives underlying conversion, and also the ability of the neophytes to exploit the “incentives” offered to them without this necessarily implying an absence of sincere religious motivation.
Keywords: Catholicism, conversion, Hospice for Catechumens, Pinerolo, Waldensian valleys, Protestantism.
Per Giovanni Miccoli (1933-2017)
Isabella Gagliardi, Giovanni Miccoli medievista: alcuni spunti e riflessioni a margine
Ottavia Niccoli, Una lunga prospettiva di ricerca: lo sguardo di Giovanni Miccoli sull’età moderna
Daniele Menozzi, Giovanni Miccoli storico della Chiesa dell’età contemporanea
Note e documenti
Tullio Telmon, Un atto di abiura del 1727 nel Pragelatese: appunti linguistici
Rassegne e discussioni
LUTHERANA. Mercato, storiografia ed ecumenismo in Italia nel V centenario della Riforma, a cura di Gianclaudio Civale
Thomas Kaufmann, Lutero (C. Quaranta) Lutero. Un cristiano e la sua eredità. 1517-2017, direzione di Alberto Melloni (G. Civale)
Silvana Nitti, Lutero (P. Salvetto)
Adriano Prosperi, Lutero. Gli anni della fede e della libertà (M. Dall’Asta)
Volker Reinhardt, Lutero l’eretico. La Riforma protestante vista da Roma (M. Camaioni)
Riforma e università a cinquecento anni dalle tesi di Lutero (1517-2017), a cura di Simona Negruzzo (D. Carpanetto)
Heinz Schilling, Martin Lutero. Ribelle in un’epoca di cambiamenti radicali (S. Peyronel Rambaldi)
Nicole Volta, Vittoria Colonna e gli orientamenti della critica. Un bilancio degli ultimi anni (2016-2017)
Un differente modo di intendere la Riforma. Valente e Spohnholz leggono Terpstra.
Nicholas Terpstra,Religious Refugees in the Early Modern World. An Alternative History of the Reformation (M. Valente; J. Spohnholz)
Andrea Giraudo, New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identity: The Waldensians in the Medieval and Early Modern Context
Federica Fiorni, Rosa Matucci, Dennj Solera,Verso la Riforma. Criticare la Chiesa, riformare la Chiesa (fine XV – inizio XVI secolo)
Jade Sercomanens, La construction internationale de la Réformeet l’espace romand: courants religieux, mutations sociales et circulations des idées à l’époque de Martin Luther
Paolo Salvetto, Lutero, la Riforma, l’Italia
Teresa Bernardi, Michele Lodone, La Riforma nella Repubblica di Venezia tra Cinquecento e Settecento
Maria Anna Chiatti,Dinnanzi a Lutero: Ripercussioni e reazioninella cultura artistica italiana
Eleonora Farincelli, Firenze nella crisi religiosa del Cinquecento.Dalla morte di Savonarola all’incoronazione di Cosimo I de’ Medici
Lorenzo Di Lenardo, Stefania Villani,Restauro di una Bibbia tedesca tradotta da Martin Lutero, stampata a Wittenberg nel 1556
Lavori in corso
Andrea Giraudo, L’edizione dei sermoni valdesi medievali
Mariagloria Tumminelli, Gli zingari nel sistema imperiale spagnolo. Vagabondi, soldati e banditi tra Milano, Napoli e la Castiglia (secc. XVI-XVII)
Alessandro Tripepi, Costruire i ponti. Analisi dei rapporti Eurogiapponesi di prima Età moderna, alla luce di due ambascerie dirette al Pontefice (1585-1615)
Aline Pons, Matteo Rivoira, Le lingue dei valdesi
Cathars in Question, edited by Antonio Sennis (F. Tasca);
Guillaume Alonge, Condottiero, cardinale, eretico. Federico Fregoso nella crisi politica e religiosa del Cinquecento (S. Peyronel Rambaldi);
Reinhard Bodenmann, Les perdants. Pierre Caroli et les débuts de la Réforme en Romandie (G. Alonge);
Matteo Al Kalak, Il riformatore dimenticato. Egidio Foscarari tra Inquisizione, concilio e governo pastorale (1512-1564) (G. Italiano);
Anne Piéjus, Musique, censure et création. G.G. Ancina et le Tempio Armonico (1599) (P. Cavallo)
Grazia Gobbi Sica, In loving memory. Il cimitero agli Allori a Firenze (F. Tammarazio)
Vita della Società
Piercarlo Pazè, Cattolici e valdesi, dai conflitti alla convivenza.Quindici anni di convegni del Laux in Val Chisone
Convocazione Assemblea, 22 agosto 2018
Convegno: L’Italia tra Europa protestante e Mediterraneo islamico (secoli XVII-XVIII)
Convegno: A ottocento anni dal colloquio di Bergamo 1218-2018